Come with me to Perth in 2020!


The Liveable Cities conference is a truly worthwhile inter-disciplinary conference that aggregates the elements of what makes a place liveable. An opportunity for a professional interchange of ideas that reflects the depth and breadth of “liveabiity”….a notion that is rarely understood completely; in part due to its narrow interpretation in the annual Worlds “Most Liveable City” announcement.

Suitable for urban planners, architects/landscape architects, social planners, place-makers, development managers, economists and environment/sustainability specialists from both the private and public domains. Rarely does a conference offer an insight into where so many professional disciplines intersect and in doing so, help us to imagine better ways to facilitate more liveable places. Thoroughly recommended!

My Neighbourhood is pleased to have been invited to sit on the Program Committee again. I encourage you to Save The Date 22/23 June 2020 and join me in Perth




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