Olivine is located within the northern-fringe Melbourne suburb of Donnybrook and will eventually be home to approximately 12000 people. Developer Mirvac has shown industry leadership by committing to the creation of an authentic and inclusive community that self-sustains. My Neighbourhood is proud to have been engaged to assist in delivering upon this ambition.
Best-practice community development and partnership brokerage will be applied at Olivine. This reflects itself in so many ways, including program linkages with schools, get-to-know-you outings for purchasers and the creation of solid relationships with existing community groups in the broader community catchment.
Mirvac recognizes the importance of talking WITH purchasers and residents, rather than talking AT them. This aligns with the My Neighbourhood approach, where we facilitate an early human interface with the development via community discussion board and a Resident Reference Group.
Taking Community Building to
the Next Level
In the urban-fringe residential space, new estates deliver excitement and hope for so many young couples around Australia. A brand new life in a brand new place, frequently coinciding with the joyous arrival of children. However, such joy also comes with the financial pressures of aspirational first-home ownership and frequently, the impediment of commuting as a way of life. Social alienation sometimes occurs, derived in part from one or both parents spending long hours away from their community, in order to service their home ownership dream.
Upon engagement by Mirvac, we have been pleased to facilitate a best-practice partnership with the City of Whittlesea around the Growth Areas Social Planning Tool ( GASPT). Commitment to the GASPT positions the Olivine project with a substantial point of difference in relation to the development of community. Olivine is the first project in Australia to make such a commitment. Mirvac have recognized that such a partnership requires an investment of time to get to know key Council personnel and to understand their world. Trust takes time and genuine commitment to shared ideals and we have been pleased to support and represent Mirvac in this manner.
Community groups and networks
Mirvac has entrusted us with the task of brokering relationships of substance with groups such as the Country Fire Authority and Whittlesea Community House, amongst others. Both look forward to welcoming many Olivine residents into their ranks in due course.
Placemaking partners
Sports Provision

“I have worked closely with Chris on Mirvac’s master-planned communities over the past five years and I truly believe his pioneering work has been an essential agent for change in increasing the fundamental importance of social return on investment, community resilience and connectedness.
My Neighbourhood has both developed and executed visionary community development strategies which have been of significant betterment to our communities and all stakeholders. His passion is innate and Chris truly practices what he preaches.”
Charbel Youssef, Senior Development Manager, Masterplanned Communities – Mirvac
Read More Residential Case Studies
Olivine is located within the northern-fringe Melbourne suburb of Donnybrook and will eventually be home to approximately 12000 people. Developer Mirvac has shown industry leadership by committing to the creation of an authentic and inclusive community that self-sustains. My Neighbourhood is proud to have been engaged to assist in delivering upon this ambition.
Best-practice community development and partnership brokerage will be applied at Olivine.
The Woodlea project is located at Aintree, within the City of Melton on Melbourne’s western fringe. This community is widely regarded as representing a benchmark in Australian urban-fringe living. At maturity, Woodlea will be home to nearly 20 000 people.
My Neighbourhood supported the community building effort at Woodlea for four years. The Woodlea approach to community development is revered by the Local Government Authority, studied by Queensland University of Technology and has contributed deeply to the fabric of that place.
Get in touch.
If you have any question about how My Neighbourhood can help your community development project, please get in touch.